March 1, 2025 12pm EST - 4pm EST
1 Day Only
With so much knowledge packed into one short class, you will walk away stronger, bolder and armed with the law that has been erased from your memory, until now.
No more masks
No more experimental vaccines or passports
How to remove Child Protective Services
How to remove fraudulent legal battles
How to remove debt
How to remove unlawful jail
How to remove unlawful fines
How to remove landlord/tenant issues
How to handle controversy at work
Learn how to travel
How to respond to ID request to eat at restaurants
It was 2019 and I was 49 years old questioning how to find my passion when I was still running a 25 year old marketing agency.
I was at the top of my career, commanding $1000 per hour and nothing felt fulfilling. I knew I had bigger goals, dreams, inventions, passions and purpose.
When the media started their latest agenda in 2020, I went to work for all of us. I sold my 4 bedroom home in Florida, bought an RV and drove off into uncharted territory to leave the world I knew behind and find hidden truth.
I also identified who was true, honorable and available to share this knowledge with me.
After filling in the final puzzle pieces of knowledge from mentors around the world like jon little...
I realized that my whole life had been a lie. I had graduated the police academy in 1996 thinking that I was going to "help my community"...boy was I wrong.
The police force had been brought in by to deteriorate the Sheriff's who protected Americans and kept the peace. The police force was for the sole purpose of being the armed thugs of a foreign corporation, designed to kidnap, extort and steal property by way of codes and statutes, not laws.
Once the veil was fully lifted, I was changed for good.
Now I conduct my business... as a woman;
Now, my property belongs to i, a woman;
Now, the fruits of my labor belong to i, a woman;
Now, I enforce the rights of my family with ONE EMAIL;
Now, no one is controlling anything I do… in any way; nor controlling my family;
Now I, can see communities of men and women living freely on the earth, sooner than later;
A lot of men and women are now standing in their own authority, with full understanding of their rights.
We created the paper, the words, the buildings
We are the authority at court
We are the original court
We hold the highest court on the land
We are the first court holders on Earth
And that fact still stands up at court today…